
How to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

The first thing you should do is to eat well and stay healthy .because if you're missing important vitamins or nutrients it will show up in your hair . You should keep daily exercise and of course Live Stress Free. 
However, if this isn't working ,I have three tips from  professional, hair care hairstylist
1. Try to leave your hair in natural status ,don't over-process your hair with chemical services, hot irons or stress .If you want your hair dyed or want a kinky curly hairstyle , you can just try human hair lace wigs instead of processing your own hair . human hair lace wigs are not very expensive , you can try to find a cheap lace wigs vendor . so lace wig can be a replacement for your healthy hair . 
2. To select correct shampoo and conditioner treatment
3. keep the ends trimmed .


Hair color and personality

Many people tend to think that hair color influences personality. someone when her hair is dyed blonde will act different as before .Many people think being blonde makes a woman look more prissy, or ditzy or barbie like and brunettes are not necessarily more sophistocated,more mature, responsible and casual.Some girls are usually treated as ditsy people just simplely from their blonde hair. Why blondes give us this impression ? it is very hard to tell . some people think it is because in many movies ,these types are all in blonde .Maybe really hair color can influence personality ,but how can we explain this ? anyone can dye their hair any shade of color .so really very hard to explian . If hair color really works ,you don't even need to dye your own hair ,you can just wear colorful lace wigs ,then you can have different personalities . cheap lace wigs vendors


If you were bald : Would you wear a lace wig ?

Some people would ,they think it would be fun.could be blond one day.. black the next, and never have to worry about it looking good condition!they would buy tons the same color so they would have a new hairstyle each day.they agrees there is no shame in wearing a wig even wearing wigs on occasion.
But others have an another idea .If men wear bald ,there was no need to wear wigs because mean with no hairs look good and it is very normal you can see it everywhere . If bald because of cancer ,they still don't want to wear wigs just wanna show that they are very strong .also some people don't want to wear lace wigs because they have no money to obtain these expensive human hair full lace wigs . But I think lace wigs are not only for bald person , if someone  got your hair died and cut really bad here would be not really anyway to fix it besides going really short would you just shave your head and buy a wig and wait till your hair grew back.so wigs are good for everyone .they can still find cheap lace wigs everywhere .


Hairs of Tonight Oscars 2013

Zoe Saldana: long straight beautiful hair with loose waves ,slippery and attractive

Reese Witherspoon :beautiful blonde hair with soft waves ,sexy
Jennifer Hudson: Wearing a simple makeup look , her hair is super long . super straight .Her bangs look beautiful .
Jennifer Aniston: The hairstyle she is wearing is what she usually wears . look great ! layered and dynamic . I love it very much !
If you wanna have one wig like the hairstyle  of celebrities on Oscars 2013 ,just contact me .cheap lace wigs and wholesale lace wigs you can get .


Jennifer Aniston: ‘It’s Nice to Wear a Lace Wig’

Actresses are always changing their hairstyles in different movies.Of course they don't process their own hair and they are wearing human hair lace wigs. Jennifer Aniston the well known actress wears a short blonde full lace wig in her upcoming film Meet the Millers,but it's not the first time she is changed her mane for a role . Jennifer Aniston doesn’t mind hiding that gorgeous mane ,she tells:" I have to say it’s so nice to wear a wig, it’s like putting a hat on"  "Your hair time in the morning is so easy"
In her movie Horrible Bosses she was wearing a wig and she felt it was like 10 minutes in the hair chair .
Wearing lace wigs does have more benefits.Jennifer Aniston says You really save your hair if you’re not putting all that heat on it and brushing it to death,"It’s nice to watch your hair grow for two months."Everyone knows human hair lace wigs are not cheap ,but we can find out the cheap lace wigs vendors if we search by heart .